
acupunctureAcupuncture is a 5,000 year old medical practice that originated in China.  Currently acupuncture is the most common from of medicine practiced throughout the world and is becoming more popular in the United States.  There are two descriptions that will be presented, the Eastern and Western explanations on how acupuncture works.


The Eastern definition of acupuncture utilizes the concept of energy or “Qi” and its flow through the body.  When a patient is healthy there is no obstruction of the Qi flow, and the principles of Yin and Yang are in harmony.  Yin referring to the feminine, nourishment, cold and weakness.  Yang referring to the masculine, action, heat and strength.  When the Qi flow is blocked or depleted the body doesn’t work as properly as it should, symptoms arise and disease occurs.  By inserting acupuncture needles into the body at various points that energy is manipulated, thus restoring balance and harmony to the patient.


The Western definition of acupuncture is the stimulation of specific points on the body that cause various biochemical and physiological changes to achieve desired effects.  By inserting hair-like needles into these points, receptor sites are stimulated that send impulses via the nervous system to the brain.  Once these impulses reach the brain they activate the hypothalamus and specifically the pituitary gland.  The result is the secretion of hormones that cause an increase in circulation, pain relief, a stronger immune system, improved digestion and metabolism, decreases inflammation, and elevates mood.